Plans for 2017

A very happy new year to all our readers.  It looks like it's going to be a momentous one.  I hope that we get through it okay.

willoughby the narrator cover

Princelings books

We currently have a target date of March 15th for Willoughby the Narrator, but this could slip, depending on how much work is required once we have our editor's comments.  It is still available on pre-order at iTunes, Nook and Kobo, priced at $1.99.  This is likely to be held for the first few weeks after publication to let Kindle readers catch up with purchases from Smashwords!
Danielle English has already developed a near-final draft of the cover for book 8, the Princelings of the North, although the book has not yet gone to our editor.  The reveal will be later in the year, when we feel ready to estimate a publishing date.  Jemima says the cover is 'stunning'.
Jemima keeps mentally writing episodes of the final book.  She's wavering between taking time out of the Perihelix rewrite to get these down on paper, or at least into the computer.

Viridian System series

The good news is that Jemima has solved some of the problematic comments about diversity issues in the book, and you can read her comments on the Viridian series blog.
She says she's rewriting the Perihelix, but refuses to admit to a word count, which means there's a lot of crossing out going on.  It seems to have taken her a while to come to terms with the comments she's received on the first book, and she wrote about this in an IWSG post on her blog this month.

Guest posts

Following last autumn's guest posts on the Story Reading Ape's blog, Jemima is now posting every second Sunday of the month (except January's was on a Thursday).

Check out January's coupon offer for the Princelings Box Set on Smashwords, in the advert on the right.
